Team-Based Inquiry Learning
Team-Based Inquiry Learning (TBIL) is an active learning pedagogy designed to bring inquiry into lower division mathematics courses via Team-Based Learning. This NSF-funded project seeks to train other mathematicians in the TBIL pedgagogy and study their implementation at various institutions.
I am the lead PI on this project.
NSF Award Abstract
This project aims to serve the national interest by improving the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics. It intends to do so by implementing Team-based inquiry learning, a collaborative form of inquiry-based learning, across three key introductory mathematics courses (Calculus I, II and Linear Algebra). Inquiry-based learning is an instructional technique shown to have many positive impacts on mathematics students. However, in undergraduate mathematics instruction, inquiry-based learning has been primarily used in upper division courses. By implementing team-based inquiry learning in these lower division mathematics courses, the project has the potential to serve a breadth of early STEM majors. Preliminary research at a single institution has shown team-based inquiry learning to improve students’ content mastery and successful completion of introductory mathematics courses. This project’s research plan will examine whether these results extend to a broad array of institutions.
This project will recruit and train two cohorts of 15 mathematics faculty from multiple diverse institutions to implement team-based inquiry learning in their classrooms. These faculty will collaborate with the investigators to develop a publicly available library of mathematics team-based inquiry learning resources that other instructors can use in their courses. Ongoing virtual support will be provided to faculty as they implement team-based inquiry learning in their classes. Faculty practices and student achievement will be evaluated before and after the training in order to determine what level and what types of support are needed for faculty to effectively implement team-based inquiry learning in a way that leads to improved student success. This project aims to benefit the STEM education community by providing evidence about how inquiry-based learning can be effectively implemented in lower division mathematics courses. In addition, by providing students with meaningful opportunities to work in teams, it can also help students develop teamwork skills, which are important for success in most, if not all modern workplaces. The NSF IUSE: EHR Program supports research and development projects to improve the effectiveness of STEM education for all students. Through the Engaged Student Learning track, the program supports the creation, exploration, and implementation of promising practices and tools.